Growing pains

Man there’s a lot going on. We finalized designs for some of our stainless steel inlay wood fenders and are working hard on streamlining the fabrication process. The space has finally come into its own and we even have a big old fan to blow out all the leftover lacquer and saw dust. We’ve pretty much become a full scale workshop, we can tell because we talk about lunch breaks more than we do work. It’s a good thing. A quick update from the Wadi, we had a fantastic meeting with the folks there and kids seem tuned into a program we just might be launching in the next few weeks, using our tooling and local friends to do some surfboard building and boat building with the kids. I’ll share some pictures from that adventure for sure.

In the meantime checkout stuff in our new stuff category on our website and the flickr, lots going on there these days.





Yossi and Max. 

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